§ Much simpler circulation patterns and very frequent service in the Transit Emphasis Corridors. The
very frequent service in the Transit Emphasis corridor would provide shuttle-like service within
§ Very frequent service in the Transit Emphasis Corridors that would also provide downtown shuttle
No bonus prizes for quantity.
Transit priority lanes are worthy of consideration, so is a second downtown transit station, but see below. Transit priority lanes should be heavily used such that more commuters are on transit than would be displaced by closing to automobiles. That is why the AMP failed, in my opinion, but that condition could be obtained downtown.
Most people coming downtown have a final destination downtown that is not the bus station. I considered a downtown-filling interlocking pair of most-frequent circulators (“Circuits”) that provides less than two block coverage of all of downtown. (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th Ave.) My thought was that most commuters riding the frequent transit network might disembark well before reaching the MCC upon intersecting with the circulator pair. This first contact with the circulators would be the last stop before the MCC.
The circulators would do a lot of the heavy work of providing local service at the end of the limited stop routes. The space-filling property is superior to a second station in my opinion. A second station is not space-filling and is not the destination.
See my sample circulators at https://goo.gl/kxX0ZH and uncheck all but the “Circuits”.
Look at that Downtown map! Is it necessary to busy the map with plots and labels for the express routes? Only the local service portion of the route actually needs to be shown and one stop wonders only need the one labeled spot at the stop. Houston had a map of a limited stop route that was a trail of spots for each stop, no line. It was understandable.
For future downtown maps I would like to see the Circuits, the limited stop routes as spots (which I think should end upon intersecting with the Circuits), and local service routes into downtown. I think other routes should be collectors that do not come downtown though some may connect to the Circuits at the edges. Cleaning up the routes and working the Circuits may obviate the urge for a second transit station.
Roy Wellington says
A few comments:
§ Much simpler circulation patterns and very frequent service in the Transit Emphasis Corridors. The
very frequent service in the Transit Emphasis corridor would provide shuttle-like service within
§ Very frequent service in the Transit Emphasis Corridors that would also provide downtown shuttle
No bonus prizes for quantity.
Transit priority lanes are worthy of consideration, so is a second downtown transit station, but see below. Transit priority lanes should be heavily used such that more commuters are on transit than would be displaced by closing to automobiles. That is why the AMP failed, in my opinion, but that condition could be obtained downtown.
Most people coming downtown have a final destination downtown that is not the bus station. I considered a downtown-filling interlocking pair of most-frequent circulators (“Circuits”) that provides less than two block coverage of all of downtown. (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th Ave.) My thought was that most commuters riding the frequent transit network might disembark well before reaching the MCC upon intersecting with the circulator pair. This first contact with the circulators would be the last stop before the MCC.
The circulators would do a lot of the heavy work of providing local service at the end of the limited stop routes. The space-filling property is superior to a second station in my opinion. A second station is not space-filling and is not the destination.
See my sample circulators at https://goo.gl/kxX0ZH and uncheck all but the “Circuits”.
Look at that Downtown map! Is it necessary to busy the map with plots and labels for the express routes? Only the local service portion of the route actually needs to be shown and one stop wonders only need the one labeled spot at the stop. Houston had a map of a limited stop route that was a trail of spots for each stop, no line. It was understandable.
For future downtown maps I would like to see the Circuits, the limited stop routes as spots (which I think should end upon intersecting with the Circuits), and local service routes into downtown. I think other routes should be collectors that do not come downtown though some may connect to the Circuits at the edges. Cleaning up the routes and working the Circuits may obviate the urge for a second transit station.
That would also make transit simpler.
Roy Wellington