Complete Streets

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Complete streets support transit access and operations, provide safe walking and bicycling facilities, and support the safe and efficient operation of transit, including high-quality bus stops and passenger facilities, transit priority treatment, and other design elements that prioritize moving people over moving only cars. Complete streets also support operators of freight and delivery vehicles.

Most transit passengers are pedestrians first, while others access transit by bike and others park a car or are dropped off at a transit stop or station. Complete streets provide safe and easy access for all types. While incomplete streets can be a hindrance to transit riders, well-designed streets encourage riders to use transit by making public transit an attractive option.

How big a priority do you think complete streets should be? On which routes would you implement complete streets? Would complete streets encourage you to use transit?


  1. says

    I just moved my family to N Inglewood for convenience to the city. It’s a disappointing factor not being able to push the baby through the neighborhood due to the curvy, hilly nature of the street pattern, sans sidewalks. We knew this moving in but it would be nice to see it enhanced, if not just by one walkway on one side of the street.

  2. Carol Norton says

    Where it makes sense, yes. Where there is room, yes. Where the infrastructure doesn’t support it, no.
    Put utilities underground, and there will be more room to work with. Make that a priority!

    • Anne says

      I’ve heard it costs about $1 million per mile, or something like that, to put utilities underground. Nashville already has a debt problem.

    • Anne says

      Are there any cities with a high concentration of complete streets? If so, how is it working out and what was the cost for them?

      Sometimes I think the people here want the world and have no sense of the concept of limited resources.

  3. Matthew Blair says

    I agree that all major corridors should be complete streets .. many of the downtown streets while having sidewalks have no trees and are unpleasant to walk on ..biking downtown is very dangerous .. parking should be limited to underground and trees planted for shade .. please also get complete streets established on Broadway, Jefferson Street and Charlotte avenue before the developers finish ruining them completely.

  4. bill says

    Yes, complete streets are important. However, I doubt I will ever see them in Madison.
    I walk to the bus stop daily, I have to walk in the neighborhood streets to do so.

  5. Christine Watt says

    I think complete streets are essential for the safe usage of public transportation. They have the added benefit of encouraging walking and the health benefits that go with it. These would definitely make me more likely to utilize public transportation on a regular basis.