The Tennessean
Jen Todd
Metro Transit Authority (MTA) asked Nashvillians for input on three proposed public transit scenarios in Friday’s nMotion meeting at the Nashville Public Library.
“Today’s as good as it’s gonna get for the foreseeable future unless we act and do some things differently in Middle Tennessee,” said MTA Executive Director Steve Bland.
In a live poll conducted at the event, the majority of audience members voted for major changes in Nashville’s public transportation, from improving access to transit to premium services.
That coincides with scenario one — a comprehensive regional system to include light rails along Nashville’s major corridors, commuter rails for surrounding counties, street cars, and additional rapid and express bus routes.
“I say bring it on,” said scenario one proponent Sheila Hansen, who is legally blind and frequently rides the bus. Hansen supported the proposal of longer bus hours and crosstown routes.
“I go to concerts and things and I don’t like having to leave early because I can’t afford a taxi,” she said.
The rails brought some concern for Peter O’Connor, who agrees more with the bus-focused expansion scenario, adding rapid, express and freeway buses that could use the road’s shoulder.
“I understand about the future, but I’m looking at now,” he said. “To undergo all this (for the comprehensive plan) means a tremendous amount of construction work to be done and God knows how long that would take.”
Jack Fleischer would like to combine the plans: use rails to bring commuters to Nashville, and focus on buses for cross routes in the city.
“The cross routing in the city is as bad as it gets,” he said. “I’d like to be able to go from Charlotte to Hillsboro Village.”
The third scenario has modest improvements, with additional rapid and express bus routes and the bus-on-shoulder rule.
MTA and RTA also encourage the community to take the nMotion survey at